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web technologies

E-customer Analytics Organizations are provided with a precise, 360 degree view of online customers. Customers are profiled based on their demographics, browsing behavior, purchase history, etc. This helps in the measurement of customer attrition rate, customer profitability, etc.

E-marketing and e-sales

This feature allows organizations to develop focused marketing strategies to target customers effectively. Target marketing is enabled through analyses of market segmentation, cross sell/up-sell opportunity identification, lead qualification, and measurement of online campaign effectiveness, prediction of customer propensity to buy, shopping cart analysis for product/category management and measurement of sales organization performance.

  • WEB Services
  • SOAP
  • HTTP/s
  • VB, ASP, VBScript, biz, Dbiz


This feature aims at providing the answer to that vital question: How effective is my ebusiness? This is affected through analyses of the effectiveness of online services, measurement of customer satisfaction levels, analysis of customer complaints, etc.